Monday, March 14, 2011

Research paper

        My research paper about Globalization in africa was in some cases interesting. In fact, before I started it I did Know only few things about the subject. But after the 4 weeks of reading all the book and articles about it that I picked up at the library I could finally give my opinion on Globalization. However, Like I was wondering this topic was very broad and difficult to understand due to the technical words using by the authors of my sources of information. At the end, Im glad that I done it, and I really hope that I'll do a better job next time I'll have to do it again.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Videos Games

          Personally I have to admit that I'm a video game player. I think that video can can easyli be addictive, because I remember back then me and some of my friends when we were in 1st or 2nd grade were spending all night at each others home playing video games rather than do our home works.  Our conversations were all about Games, even now I still playing some. But, now in contrast to the past, as I grew up I regulated my playing time. In fact, nowadays I can do more than a week without touch my XBOX I think there is more important thing than that. All the gamers must understand that they cannot spend more time in their virtual game than in the reality because after a while some people get confuse and have problem to make differences between virtual life and the reality.

Population In my country

        The problem of population growth in developing country is a very serious problem. Indeed, the population growth become another factor that leads to poverty in these areas. In fact, the economy of a developing country can be develop only if the population and income are in balance. many studies already showed that there is association between growth rates of population and income per capita. In other words, high population growth in a developing country creates pressures on limited natural resources. However, in my country (Gabon) I dont think that the population rate is a matter. In fact, in 2003 the population of gabon was estimated at less than 2 million with rates of 1.79%. Moreover there is a lots of areas that need to be occupated because 81% of the population are living in urban areas.

Population In my country

        The problem of population growth in developing country is a very serious problem. Indeed, the population growth become another factor that leads to poverty in these areas. In fact, the economy of a developing country can be develop only if the population and income are in balance. many studies already showed that there is association between growth rates of population and income per capita. In other words, high population growth in a developing country creates pressures on limited natural resources. However, in my country (Gabon) I dont think that the population rate is a matter. In fact, in 2003 the population of gabon was estimated at less than 2 million with rates of 1.79%. Moreover there is a lots of areas that need to be occupated because 81% of the population are living in urban areas.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

       This article talks about Italian politics. while last year the Italian economy has just increased its profits by 0.1%, which was already much less than the government expectation and and when the head of the Bank of Italy Mario Draghi is running and well placed for a job as Director of the European Central Bank, the sex scandal Silvio Berlusconi with a minor belly dancer from morocco whose name stage is Ruby and was17 while it was happening resurfaced. this scandal discredited the Italian government to the local and international stages. Especially at this time or the unemployment rate in Italy reached 8.6%

     In my opinion Silvio berslusconi as the prime Minister of Italian Government has the responsability to leave his country from the economic crisis instead of adding to it more problems.

The last thing Italy needs is the Berlusconi sex scandal


Friday, January 14, 2011

Our class

Here I post some information about me.

1) Im born in Gabon

2) I like listening to music

3) I'm an english native speaker

4) I'm a soccer player

Our class